Illustration of the Aura Software
April 16, 2021
GREYC reveals AURA new Features to assess International Engagement of Research Laboratories. International Collaborations are shown on a world map where countries are shaded according to the number of co-signed papers. Papers related to international collaborations can easily be searched thanks to the multi-criteria filtering system enhanced with a dedicated filter. Interested users can fine-tune their searches by focusing on specific countries or international structures.
Illustration of the Aura Software
January 28, 2021
Aura analyzes collections of scientific publications referenced in HAL Open archive to represent scientific collaborations. It also provides insights related to the impact of the publications. Beyond traditional bibliometric indicators, Aura aims to render assistance to the management of research organizations by providing qualitative indicators, as well as assistance in setting up projects by facilitating the identification of skills.
Illustration of the Aura Software
January 21, 2021
The GREYC Laboratory introduces the initial version of a prototype software called AURA, built in order to help understanding collaboration between researchers and in order to assess the audience of their scientific publications.