In territorial intelligence, knowing the players is crucial for motivated decision making. This includes the identification of their area of expertise, their orientation, their international, national, regional or local partnerships. Activities of researchers and labs are no longer exception to this type of reading. Research activities are monitored by multiple actors: research evaluation authorities, funding authorities, departments of research translation, research and development departments in industry.
To fuel reflection and strategy, policy makers need indicators that reflect research activities and that enable quality assessment as objectively as possible. The analysis of research activities cannot be reduced to a quantitative assessment of the production: number of publications, number of accepted projects, number of patents... It is necessary to provide a more detailed perspective, by highlighting the insertion of the researcher, the team, or the lab in its environment, by characterizing the dynamism of the institutional and industrial relationships, by exhibiting collaborations, multidisciplinary or not, by positioning the unit on the local, regional, national and international scene.
With the ever growing number of scientific publications combined to the permanent need to monitor the production at different scales and from various points of view, the need for "on-the-fly" automatic assessment of the production quality raises. This leads the GREYC Lab to envisage the development of a platform that provides meaningful indicators related to quality, starting from a collection of bibliographic references: the Aura project was born.
The first version of Aura analyzes collections of bibliographic entries referenced in HAL Open archive. It displays scientific collaborations through interactive network visualization techniques. It also provides insights related to the impact of the publications, highlighting journal and conference ranking. Aura may analyze collections related to a single researcher, a research team or a research lab. Interactive visualizations allows the user dig into more detailed information on any part of the platform.
Run Aura on the GREYC collection of bibliographic references.
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GREYC Lab is a joint research unit associated with the CNRS, the University of Caen Normandy (UNICAEN) and the Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Ingénieurs de Caen (ENSICAEN). It carries out fundamental, methodological and applied research on issues related to digital sciences.